Monday, August 16, 2010

Egyptian Cubistic Design Homework. Week Six

This entire design is based upon the square.  The first step was laying out my page, and determining some points of reference.

There are 19 points of reference on this paper now.  I used a compass to divide the sheet of paper up into these sections. 

I then erased the various marks that were used to find the points of reference. 

Then, using the points of reference as corners of squares, I started the blot out various squares on the sheet of paper using a template of squares, building a design that appeared random, but was anchored in the original design of 19 points of reference. 

Eventually, I had filled in the page enough to begin the next step of this piece, which is inserting various symbols, and images taken from the Book of the Dead.  

After I had filled in the design with enough symbols, I went back and started shading the lines, and adding more variance in the lines, trying to move past the very straight lines I had when I started my design. 

The final step to get and idea of what this could be like as a painting, I imported it to photoshop and applied some texture and tint to the image. 

And, so there you have it.  I have used a cubism like design to re-state some of the ancient symbols found in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.  

I feel like I have just scratched the surface on the potential that is here for taking something old, such as the art work and symbolism of the ancient Egyptians and brining that into the 21st century by using a cubistic design, be it based upon the square, triangle, circle, or any combination of all three.  

For this work, I choose to keep it relatively simple by just sticking to the square, however even this piece is rather complex.  It is not just randomly placed onto the page as at first glance one would assume.  The reason I took great pains to show each step is because I wanted to demonstrate the design principles that were present at every single step of the creation of this individual drawing.  

The total time this sketch took was approximately 2 hrs. The image size is 7x10 inch.  

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! Glad to see the complexity of the underdrawing being resolved with the top portion. Really stellar!
